REST30 RECORDS: VIDEO GAME DIVISION along with an incredibly small handful of other companies, is spearheading the creation of new arcade machines, and fixating on the arcade medium for their art. R30R:VGD are from Salt Lake City, UT. USA.
The two cabinets available now are “To Space, Comrade” produced by Josie Cordova, a political side-scrolling survival/dodge-em-up,
and “JPO In SLC” produced by David Payne, a music documentary horizontal shmup, featuring pop-culture collage and photo-realistic graphics.
Cabinets are available for 4000$ each plus shipping.
For inquiry, send email to rest30music at gmail dot com.
The sheet for “To Space, Comrade” reads like this:
“*Pro Feminism
*Pro Communism
*Anti Racist
*Anti Capitalist
*Anti Cop
All Music + sfx are generated on the fly. A literal Space Opera” followed by a picture of the hammer and sickle.
Proper info on the game is available HERE at the author’s website. And here’s some info copied from there.
the space race never ended in this cold war space exploration arcade game
To Space, Comrade! is a labor of love, created for the simple joy of building. What started as a pet project to keep me occupied for the winter turned into something much more important and fulfilling to me. I’m proud to say I built a game I didn’t know I always wanted to play. I’m very excited for you to play it too.
I say, what better place to organize a Soviet worker state than the red planet?
In To Space, Comrade! you’ll have a chance to do just that as you guide a flotilla of badass femme cosmonauts through the manifold hazards of space travel.
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pixelart by Ray Schlitter // website // ig: rayslynyrd
To Space, Comrade! is cruel and unforgiving, not unlike space itself. Prepare to dodge asteroids, harvest comets, execute moles, outfox the sinister machines of a runaway capitalist military industrial complex, and spread little frozen corpses all throughout interplanetary space on your quest to radicalize Mars and her moons (I don’t care if Mars, the mythological figure is a guy, all planets are girls).
To Space, Comrade! features a beefy responsive music and sfx engine. Every play through is accompanied by a unique space opera generated on the fly. Every time a cosmonaut updates you on their situation–perhaps they finally got around to repairing that busted fuel converter; perhaps they kicked the space bucket–data describing their condition is transmuted into musical content. Take a few minutes and listen to the auditory record of one particular journey between Phobos and Deimos.
To Space, Comrade! is now playable in a most formidable form: a full-fledged one-of-a-kind (for now) ARCADE CABINET. Look for it at arcades, bars, coffee shops and record stores around SLC.
To Space, Comrade! was developed in Processing (Java) and Pure Data.

Arcade Heroes down near the bottom
Arcade Heroes Youtube
Game Grid Youtube footage near the end
Interview with Dagobot some insights into the game development
It’s made in the Fine Art genre of “SHMUP”, which means free moving, 2D, gravity-less/inertia-less movement on the X and Y planes, moving background, flying against the opposing force, staying alive for distance or high score, on a likely suicide mission.
This one documents the struggles of Joshua Payne (in the polar bear suit) as he led his nine-piece orchestra in Salt Lake City, playing pop-up shows at midnight every Friday night in the summers between 2009 and 2013 roughly. The subtitle of the game is “A game about playing the saxophone in dangerous places in a city with poor arts infrastructure because of strict alcohol laws”.
The game features recorded music of the Joshua Payne Orchestra, while the gameplay has Joshua manifested as his animal, a polar bear, and flying over and through some of the bands traditional concert locations, while off-screen band members throw footballs for powerups which include missiles, lightning, and the “Saxo” weapon. The narrative keeps track of notes played, as Joshua engages the “Dimensional Beast” that’s tormenting him and the city, with a brief stop over at Memory Grove during the 1999 tornado that removed all the trees from the park, and finishing with a promise to finish the battle in Los Angeles, where Joshua now lives.
The cabinet’s special features are proprietary controls (right hand flight stick with two fire buttons, straight shot and wide shot, and left hand bomb-dropper lever with button for close range roaring attacks), and a Fresnel lens that greatly magnifies the screen (to a little bit larger than the cabinet, actually) and provides a private playing experience.
After much debate about cabinet design and construction materials for new cabinets, it occurred to Rest 30 Records that one reason arcades have diminished is because every game we love is a consumer product, meant to be consumed and discarded. So all Rest 30 Records: Video Game Division games are made using re-purposed arcade cabinets from classic games that have been thrown away. Not the ones that collectors want to restore- the other ones.
While the layperson might see our cabs and say, “What is that scratched up piece of garbage?”, we believe that the enlightened will say, “That is the reason I love arcades in the first place”.
You can find this game in Salt Lake City at the Game Grid Arcade in Valley Fair Mall, or touring around Salt Lake City and beyond with a study of this link.
First, there were computers. Then there were games. Then there was… there was never a program that allowed lay-people to utilize computers to make games like JPO In SLC. End of story.
Until now. JPO In SLC was made entirely with the “Shoot ‘Em Up Kit” by a UK company called Tall Studios led by John And Karen Reynolds. Click on the link to learn about them. They have been in uncharted territory with their program, attempting to unlock this medium for regular people for the last decade, and their work is available for purchase on Steam, unfinished, perpetually refined, and eventually planned to break the barrier between computers and non-coding artists completely. So please investigate that. JPO In SLC is cutting edge within their program, and their program is cutting edge within the history of computer art, so you wouldn’t know it, but under the hood of this game is one of the the freshest things to ever happen for the non-computer-savvy artist. And we are forever grateful for their work in this field and their help with JPO In SLC. Also, the in-game art is 100% google collage, paying homage to arcade icons of the past as well as pop-culture gif art. So see how many you can recognize.
Here are some screen shots of the game:
***”Prince/Princess Decorator”- an arcade single screen romance dodge-em-up involving decorations and bullets.
***”Red Bennies Anti-Humu”- a vertical screen arcade shmup featuring the art-music of the Salt Lake City band, the Red Bennies and their anti-humanist philosophies.